Gardens at The Bakken

explore nearly three acres of gardens and grounds

Located on the shore of Bde Maka Ska, The Bakken Museum encompasses over two acres of unique gardens maintained by a group of dedicated staff and volunteers. Visitors are encouraged to pack a picnic and enjoy our outdoor spaces including the green roof and gardens.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Purchase your tickets here


what you’ll experience

Florence Bakken Medicinal Garden — inspired by medieval European physic gardens and explores past, present, and possible future uses for plants as medicine.

Green Roof Garden — filters rainwater, reducing harmful storm run-off while providing a place for celebrations.

Dakota Native Plants Garden — restored wetlands area, home to local flora and fauna.

Healthy Heart Organic Garden — summer vegetable garden and composting area which helps keep all of the museum’s gardens green and growing.


planning a photoshoot?

Our gardens are a popular spot for senior and engagement photos. We love sharing these special moments with you and ask that any professional photography to be coordinated in advance with our venue rentals team. Please email to request an appointment and pricing.

did you know?

Bees use static electricity to attract pollen to their fuzzy bodies and they use the magnetic field around the earth to help them navigate.

The Bakken Museum is a The Beez Kneez, LLC urban apiary partner. You can buy honey extracted from our hives right here at the museum store!
